Monday, November 9, 2009

Tools for version control

As a professional coder I use several tools. One of the most important of these tools is the version control system.

I use version control for keeping track of the source code of my programming projects. It makes it easy to mark when the code works, and track down changes when I notice that something is broken.
For several years I have used the version control system Subversion with satisfying results. Earlier this year I heard about another version control system named Git.
The main advantage of Git is that it is a decentralized version control system. This means that a network connection to the central repository is not required (which is the case for subversion).

To learn more about Git take a look at the references below.

Introduction to Git by Randal Schwartz, Youtube video (

Video podcasts about how to use git. Gitcasts (

Homepage of Git (

Windows client for Git: gitextensions (

A gentle git introduction

Using git without feeling stupid (part 1)

Using git without feeling stupid (part 2)

Good luck with your version control!

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