Sunday, October 7, 2007

Introduction to LaTeX

Thursday october the 11th, I will be teaching at an introductory course in latex. The course will be held at University of Southern Denmark at the campus in Odense. This blogpost will be used to gather information which is relevant for this course.


Installing latex on windows
  1. Download MikTeX from here.
  2. Run the installer.
  3. Start -> All programs -> MikTeX ->
Installing a latex editor on windows

This requires that latex (eg. MikTeX) has been installed.
  1. Download TexnicCenter from: here (wrong link given during the course here).
  2. Run the installer.
  3. Set path to your MikTeX installation (something like "C:\Programmer\MiKTeX 2.6\miktex\bin\")
  4. Select output profile: "LaTeX => PDF"
  5. Extract my template document and open the file doc\project.tex in Texmaker and try to compile it with pdflatex.
  6. During the compilation miktex will ask for permission to install some required packages (fancyhdr, listings, caption, subfig, pgf, xcolor, xkeyval)
  7. In case of trouble install the missing packages via: Start -> All program -> MikTeX 2.6 -> Browse packages
  8. Your document should now have been compiled, examine the generated .pdf file.

Installing latex on linux (ubuntu)
  1. Install the packages: texlive
Installing a latex editor on linux (ubuntu)
  1. Install kile
Other ressources

Latex templates
  1. My current latex template can be found here.
  2. A Mac edition of the template, grab it here.
Latex references
  1. The not so short introduction to latex, link.
  2. The comprehensive latex symbol list, link.
  3. Short math guide for latex, link.
Introduction presentation
  1. My introduction to LaTeX, grab it here.
  2. Source code for my introduction, here.